Thursday, January 27, 2011

Zheng He

Dear Readers,
Zheng He is a courageous explorer who was born in 1371. Now 1405, The leader of the Ming dynasty sent Zheng on a voyage to the western seas, to see what else was around. He took many other boats, sailors, and goods with him. His ship was about 450 feet long and brought back other materials, and what he finds will be posted in a book.
"Zheng He." China Culture n. pag. Web. 27 Jan 2011. <>.

Sung Dynasty

Dear Readers
Now in the 960's, the Sung Dynasty is now in control. Trade and manufacturing are growing and it is the time of wealth. Art and poetry are strong, and inventions are being made. Gun powder, paper money, clocks are made, China is in the Golden Age. This is also caused by the large amount of rice produced. We have more than we need, which makes trade very useful.
"Song dynasty." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 27 Jan. 2011.

Tang Dynasty

Dear Readers,
The Sui dynasty has fallen in the year 618, and the Tang has risen. Now our country has expanded to Korea, Persia, Vietnam, and Turkistan. Thanks to Li Shimin, China has been conquered, and chinese culture has spread far into Tibet.

"Tang dynasty." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 25 Jan. 2011.

Mongols Take China

Dear Readers,
It is now 1211. The Mongols are being led by man called Genghis Khan. Khan has brought the miliary of Mongols through The Great Wall and invaded Northern China. They have thrown out our empire and put in their own: The Yuan Dynasty. The mongols have taken over China, by attacking our farmers, people, and the rulers. 

Jackson, Peter. "Mongols." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 25 Jan. 2011.

Han Dynasty

Dear Readers,
Shi huang di just died in 206, which came to end the Qin Dynasty. So now the Han Dynasty has taken over. Art, writing, science are growing quickly and we are advancing in technology. Trade has also been shaping our culture. Confucianism has become huge too. Confucius died hundreds of years ago, but the Han Dynasty has brought his beliefs and teaching back to society, which the Qin wouldn't allow. 

"Han dynasty." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras.
ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 27 Jan. 2011.

Buddhism Come to China

Dear Readers,
Buddhism has spread all over china. I personally like Buddhism because it gives people a way out of suffering. When it first came down the Silk Road, in the first century, the emperor of the Han Dynasty swore he saw Buddha in his dreams. So he built a temple for the monks and Buddhism has been used ever since.

"Buddhism Comes to China." n. pag. Web. 25 Jan 2011. <>.

Lao Zi & Taoism

Dear Readers,
Lao Zi means "ancient child" or "old boy" and Tao means "way" or "path." Lao Zi believes in Taoism and you will reach balance and harmony. Now, during the Han Dynasty, Taoism has become very popular.
"Lao Tzu: Father of Taoism." n. pag. Web. 27 Jan 2011. <>.

The Great Wall of China

Dear Reader,
Years ago, in 221, the Qin Dynasty began building The Great Wall of China. The purpose of this wall is to protect Northern China from the invaders farther north. The Han and Ming dynasties have continued to build the wall which is now more than 31,000 miles long. 

"Great Wall of China." n. pag. Web. 25 Jan 2011. <>.


Dear Readers,
Stories have been going around about a man who has lived through poverty, and like all of us, the wars. He was known as Confucius. He died recently, and lived from 551-479 BCE. He's taught the people of China about "goodness." He believed that if the rulers are good, everyone will be good. The government didn't like that he had been expressing his thoughts to people, because they don't believe in it. One day, another dynasty will come along and use his preachings for their society.

"Confucius." Standford Encyclyopedia of philosophy (2002): n. pag. Web. 24 Jan 2011.           <>.

Unification of China

Dear Readers,
The year is 200 bc. The Qin Dynasty is in control right now, and have offically ended the warring states. They've used legalism to bring China together and unify as one. The country is now growing. By the time its done, it could be twice the size as it once was. The government has also taken control of everything. The governemt has also made an idea to build a wall to seperate Northern China from the Mongols. Its going to be called The Great Wall of China.

Hooker, Richard. "The Unified Empire: The Ch'in." Chinese Empire (1999): n. pag. Web. 27 Jan 2011.